
Video: AI Frameworks by Aditya Sehgal

Using AI for business transformation and personal effectiveness

History tells us that it is a predictable certainty that humans with tools prevail over (and sometimes wipe out) those without. It has happened again and again - from the distant past, where homo sapiens wiped out other human-like species who could not use fire, to the middle ages, where those with guns prevailed over those with bows and arrows, to the very recent past, where those with armed drones win against those without.

You are now in an era where humans who partner with A.I.s and own bots will outcompete you.

If you are not an A.I. user, you are at extreme risk of becoming an A.I. loser.

I have spent the past two years getting ready for this world.

I recently presented my thoughts and learnings on these topics and A.I. to a group of senior executives in Barcelona as part of the L.S. Elevate conference. 

On popular demand, I am publishing this 1-hour long recorded video of the presentation so more people can see it and start preparing themselves for this upcoming opportunity. (or is it a forthcoming catastrophe?) 

The key points and running order are: 

  • The future - a place where A.I. runs everything

  • Humans - retreat/expand into virtual worlds

  • Humanity - co-evolves with A.I.

  • Technology - becomes ubiquitous and invisible

  • Business - needs to be reimagined

  • But first … what is A.I.?

    • A commoditised service

    • A prediction machine

  • Is AI intelligent? is it sentient?

  • Man Vs Man + AI

  • The A.I. pyramid - a framework for implementing A.I. in companies for

    • Transformation by applying A.I. to a prediction challenge at the strategy level

    • Effectiveness by applying A.I. to a prediction challenge at the jobs and task levels

    • Efficiency by applying A.I, to a prediction challenge at the workflow level

  • Leading the A.I. transformation in companies

  • A.I. risk management

  • A.I. and you - turbocharging your personal effectiveness with A.I.

  • Prompt Engineering

  • Demo: Using A.I. to complete three complex tasks in under ten minutes

    • Writing a complete non-fiction book

    • Building a 20-page PowerPoint presentation on the differences between Indian and American Democracy

    • Building a complete website for my new company

  • Closing Advice

  • List of over 100 curated A.I. tools

The concepts in this presentation are at the heart of my A.I. frameworks. As I publish them over the upcoming year, I will delve deep into these topics, concepts and tools. Here is your opportunity to get a broad overview and a sneak preview right up front.

I hope you enjoy the presentation and it inspires you to use A.I. to transform both your life and work.

As always, I very much appreciate your thoughts and comments.

Please share this substack link liberally with anyone who may benefit from or enjoy it.

If you enjoyed this post, check out some of my other Frameworks on the Fast Frameworks Substack:

The job satisfaction framework

Fast Frameworks - A.I. Tools - Suno.AI

A.I. Frameworks Unleashed

The Time-Mastery Framework

The Set Point Framework for Habit Change

The Plants Vs Buildings Framework

Spatial computing - a game changer with the Vision Pro

The Risk Management Framework

The 'magic' Framework for unfair advantage

The Trust Framework

The Innovation Pyramid Framework

The hyper-growth Framework

The Happiness Framework

The one-page meeting mastery framework

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