Aditya, this is a fantastic framework. It triggers so many thoughts. Allow me to post a couple here and seek your opinion.

One question is around nomenclature. It seems that you use 'regulatory' as synonymous with technological, not legislation. My reference point for regulatory is Mike Maples backcasting model: https://medium.com/@m2jr/how-to-build-a-breakthrough-3071b6415b06

Second question is related to the first. How do you account for the role of mass belief changes that help with adoption at scale? For example, technology was good enough to allow remote work, but few businesses did that pre-COVID. That changed with the pandemic.

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Love this framework !!! At the heart of it is to reimagine the way business operates and so to speak thinking out of the box . I think the challenge really is this ..most legacy organization are least likely to go down this path of rethinking regulations sheerly out of inertia and lack of risk appetite ( even now they are happy buying startups that setting up themselves :)) .Maybe thats why it took 3 young blokes to think of the Airbnb and not Marriott. And this is maybe the reason why the startup industry is thriving picking existing problems to solve ex. UC picking up cleaning services as a offering which RB could have done as well

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